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StaySafe Hub Overview

The key features of the StaySafe Hub.

Written by Kevin Sanderson-Frimpong
Updated over 2 years ago

The StaySafe Hub is available to those with Admin, Responder or Reporter roles. You can review Sessions, respond to Alerts, manage Users, and access Insight Data.

Depending on your User Role, you will have a different level of access. For example, the Admin will access User information and Insights, but a Responder will see live Sessions and Alerts.

This article will review the main Features of the Hub.


Teams & People

Many Organisations have more than one Team of employees who are also Lone Workers. These employees can be set up as separate Teams within the StaySafe Hub, with different Admins and Responders, so that the right people can respond to each Team's Alerts and manage their Accounts.

Escalation Policies

An Escalation Policy is how your Team Responders are notified of Alerts or Events in a Session. They are always set up on a Team level, so each Team will need to have an Escalation Policy created.

They allow you to choose who Alarms are Escalated to and when, to fit the individual needs of your Teams. You can set these to notify multiple Responders at different times, for all Events within the app, via Email, Phone, and SMS messages.

Response Procedures

Response Procedures are instructions that your Responders should follow when responding to an Alarm. They will help the Responder verify whether an Alarm is genuine or not, and how to Escalate the Alarm if it is genuine.


The Insight Pages are designed to give you an overview of how your Lone Workers use the StaySafe app. They provide an overview of some of the critical metrics and allow you to access detailed information on Sessions.

Multiple charts and graphs within the Insights Dashboard will help you determine how much the app is used, and ensure it is used correctly. As well as your Insights Dashboards, you can access several Reports that will allow you to see detailed information on the app's Usage and past Sessions.

These reports are:


The Features section of the Hub allows you to control critical aspects of how the app is used, such as mandating Check-ins and Notes, ending Sessions and how your Users are alerted.

Sessions and Alerts

The Map Page is visible to both Team Responders and Organisational Admins, and will allow you to see all Lone Workers who are currently running a Session, or have triggered an Alarm. This will enable you to respond to and manage your computer or phone alerts. As well as letting you monitor any live Sessions.

You can learn more about accessing live Sessions and responding to Alerts here.

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