Many organisations have more than one team of people who are Lone Working. These can be set up as separate Teams within the StaySafe System with different Admins and Responders so that the right people can respond to each Team's alerts and manage their accounts.
As well as that, the Admin can configure features of the app differently for each team. For example, a Team that works in a higher risk environment may want to have more regular check-ins, require the use of notes, or configure alerts differently. While the Team can edit features and response procedures, they can also be inherited to be the same as the broader organisation.
This article will go over the various settings you can change for a team if you are an Organisation or Team Admin.
Accessing Teams
If you are an organisation admin, go to Organisation > Teams > select Team to access a Team.
You will be automatically taken to your team's page if you are a team admin. And If you are a Team Admin of multiple teams, when you log in, you will be taken to a list of your teams and can select the appropriate team from there the team you want to view.
Teams Page
Once in the Team's view, you will be able to see all of the information relevant to that team.
Here, you will see the data on your team's app usage and access reports.
Find out more about accessing your Insights Dashboard and Insight Reports here.
This will show you a view of the Users within the Team. This will be filtered so that you can see who your Lone Workers, Responders and Team Admins are.
You can find out more about roles within the StaySafe Hub and how to manage your people in the Hub.
This section is helpful if your organisation uses dedicated devices.
Please find how to set up a dedicated device and how to use it with StaySafe.
For your Responders to be alerted when an alarm is triggered, you must have an Escalation Policy set up for each Team. Unless you use a Monitoring Partner, this must be set up for the system to work.
This tab allows you to input your internal response procedure how you want your Team Responders to respond to the Lone Worker alarms.
This can be inherited from the wider Organisation or be specific to your Team.
These are the settings used to determine configurations for the StaySafe app. However, as a Team Admin, you use the Override Organisation feature. You can change the settings, disable or enable them to suit the team if they work differently from what is set at the Organisation level.
This section allows you to change the name of the Team.
What's Next?
Find out How to Create a Team, Invite a User to StaySafe, and Finding Users in StaySafe.