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How To Create a Team in StaySafe
How To Create a Team in StaySafe

View and create new Teams in the StaySafe Hub.

Kevin Frimpong avatar
Written by Kevin Frimpong
Updated over a week ago

Many Organisations have more than one Team of people who are Lone Working. These can be set up as separate Teams within the StaySafe System, with different Admins and Responders so that the right people can respond to each Team's alerts and manage their accounts.

As well as that, the Admin can configure features of the app differently for each Team. For example, a team that works in a higher risk environment may want to have more regular check-ins, require the use of notes, or configure alerts differently. While the Team can edit Features and Response Procedures, they can also be inherited so that they are the same as the wider Organisation.

StaySafe requires an Organisation to have at least one Team to assign User Roles such as Team Admin, Responder, and Lone Worker.

Accessing Teams

If you are an Organisation Admin, go to Organisation > Teams > select Team to access a team.

If you are a Team Admin, you will be automatically taken to your Team's Page. If you are a Team Admin of multiple Teams, when you login you will be taken to a list of your Teams and can select the Team you want to view.

Creating a Team

To create a new Team, you must have the role of Organisation Admin. You should select Organisation > Teams on the left-hand sidebar. You will be taken to the Teams view.

When you get to the Teams view you can create a new Team by clicking on Create a New Team. When you select this you will be taken to a page that will allow you to enter a Team name.

Once entered, select Create, and you will be taken to your new Team.

What's Next?

Once you have created a Team, you will need to Invite new users or Edit users' profiles to be a member of the Team.

As well as that, you will need to set up an Escalation Policy and Edit the Team's Preferences so that it fits your requirements.

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