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Getting Started With StaySafe
How to Get the Most Out of Your Trial
How to Get the Most Out of Your Trial

What is the best way to test StaySafe? Find out what to do in your StaySafe Trial.

Amanda Poggi Correa Silva avatar
Written by Amanda Poggi Correa Silva
Updated over a week ago

If you are reading this article, you have most likely been invited to try out StaySafe, but you are unsure what to do during the trial. To make sure you take full advantage, we have put together some ideas for how you and your team can get the best out of the trial.

Note: If your organisation has a predetermined test plan for your trial, you should ignore the below and stick to your test plan.

What to do During your Trial

1. Get Familiar with the App

Once you have downloaded the App, go through the 5 minutes introduction to familiarise yourself with the system. We recommend that you configure the system best suitable for your needs.

Press each button to see what it does and refer to the material provided in the help centre if you are not confident with something.

Once it has become familiar, introduce it to your routine. Apply the App when you are Lone Working to test its functions.

The Session is a crucial component of how StaySafe works. Try it out, and then see how you might use it when you are Lone Working.

During a session, try the check-in functionality. While experimenting, miss a check-in to hear what warning sounds StaySafe plays when your check-in is coming up.

Remember, StaySafe uses a phone signal to communicate throughout your Session. How does this impact how you use StaySafe?

StaySafe has various alerts that can be used in different scenarios. Identify which ones to set up (some of these are done for you) and understand how to trigger them.

Here are some ideas to test each one:

  • When you are in a session, ignore your Check-in reminders and do not check-in. When you fail to check-in, this will trigger a Missed Check-in alert.

  • Start a short session of 5-10 minutes and let it run until the end of the chosen time, ignoring any notifications. When your Session comes to an end without your confirmation, this will trigger a Session Expired alert.

  • Turn on Non-Movement from your App settings and start a session! Make sure you do not move your phone for 10 minutes, eventually triggering a Non-Movement alert.

  • Whether in a session or not, you can trigger a Panic alert by clicking the red Panic button on your App.

  • Turn on the Fall Detection from your app settings and select Moderate, start a session and throw the phone into your lap. Ignore the notification on your phone and wait for 15s, and a Fall Detection alert will be triggered.

4. Try it on a workday!

Once you are comfortable with the functionality, let's put it to a real-life test.

If you are Lone Working today, why not start a session and see the benefits it will bring you.

If you need any guidance or support, please contact our team at

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