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What are the Session Events?

Identifying and using Session Events.

Written by Kevin Sanderson-Frimpong
Updated over 2 years ago

When a Lone Worker uses the app, we log their actions as Session Events. Escalation Policies allow your Responders to be notified when these Session Events occur.

There are three categories of Session Events. Green Events are actions that the User has taken in the app. Amber Events are notifications that give the status of their device, and Red Events are Alerts.

Escalation Policies

When setting up an Escalation Policy, you must select the Events that you want this Policy to notify your Responders of.

You can only have one Escalation Policy applied to any Event active at a given time. A separate Escalation Policy is needed for each category or Event.

What are the Events?

Green Events

These are the actions a User has taken within the app, and do not imply that they need assistance. These are useful if you want to keep track of app usage, or when your users are working alone. They are:

  • Session Started

  • Session Ended

  • Session Extended

  • Session Check-in

Amber Events

These are status updates that we track on your user's device. They are:

A Low Battery Alert will only be triggered when the user's device is below 5%. It is helpful if, after receiving this alert, a check-in is missed, or you cannot contact the User as it will let you know that their phone has probably died.

Red Events

These Events are what we usually call Alerts and are triggered when the User raises an Alarm or if the app detects that there is something wrong. They are:

What's Next?

If you are setting up a new Team, find out how to set up an Escalation Policy. Or, if you are making changes, have a look at how to edit an Escalation Policy.

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