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Setting Up Map Layers

How to add, remove, and use map overlays and geofencing.

Written by Kevin Sanderson-Frimpong
Updated over 2 years ago

If you have specific locations or areas you wish to mark on the Map and Session view, you can upload Map Layers to make them visible to responders. This may be useful for keeping track of where your Lone Workers are.

Map Layers can only be set up by Organisational Admins, and can be setup to be visible to the entire Organisation, or just specific Teams.

Once you get to the Features Page, scroll to Map Layers. Here you can add, remove, and filter Map Layers.

Adding Layers

Select Add in the top right of the box to add a new Map Layer. Here, you can upload the file containing the information you want to be displayed in your Hub's Map View.

These files must be a GeoJSON file, which is a file that shows geographical information.

NOTE: If you need to create a GeoJSON File, you can use this website to do so.

Once you have named and uploaded the file, you will need to choose if you want this layer to be applied by default, or only when selected. Tick Display on Load if you want it to be displayed by default.

You can then choose if you want this layer to be visible to all or only specific Team(s). Leave this section blank if you want the layer to be visible to all. Regardless of your preference, all map layers will be visible to an Organisation Admin.

Select Upload GopJSON to save. You will need to refresh your browser before the new layer is visible on your map view.

Using Map Layers

A Map overlay can show markers or a specific area, and it can also show boundary lines and places of interest.

Any Map Layer set to Display on Load will automatically be set upon opening the Map page. Those not set as default will be unselected in the corner box and can be applied at will.

What's Next

Find out how to use the Map Page and other StaySafe features such as SMS Broadcast, Low Signal Mode and Audible Alerts.

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