If and when any disaster hits, locating your lone workers and ensuring they are safe could become a time-consuming and challenging task. With SMS Broadcast, you can instruct your employees to begin a session or hit the panic alarm if they are in danger – allowing you to locate them within the Hub and assess if they are safe.
SMS Broadcast allows you to send SMS text messages to your team directly from your StaySafe Hub. Whether operational or social, the SMS Broadcast function will enable you to communicate information quickly and efficiently.
How you use SMS Broadcast, and the type of messages you send, is entirely up
to you – perhaps you want to remind lone workers to begin a session on the StaySafe app, notify a schedule change, or organise a team lunch.
You can even view delivery status within the Hub so that you can keep track of who has received communications and when.
Sending an SMS Broadcast
Depending on your role in the system, you will be able to do this for different segments of your users. If you are an Organisational Admin, you will change settings for the whole organisation, or a specific team. If you are a Team Admin, you will be able to change the team/s you administrate.
Click on the message icon on the left side menu of your Hub
Click on the right top corner, this will bring you to a page to create your message
The Organisation field will be pre-filled with your organisation name, and the team's area will allow you to select one or multiple teams you wish to send this message too
The list below your message will specify which of your users will include users in your message, which you can select and deselect as appropriate
Once you have selected all users, click send
To view your message, navigate back to SMS Broadcast and click on your message's "created" timestamp
View Messages
You can see a record of previously sent messages in order of date sent on this page. If you select the timestamp, you will see a dedicated page for each message.
What information can I see on the 'View Messages' page?
Name of users who received the message
Date sent
To - telephone numbers associated with the users
Message-ID - used by the StaySafe team to investigate should the status of the message be other than delivered, i.e. pending
What's Next?
Find out about Setting Up and Adjusting Check-ins and Notes and Audible Alerts in the Hub.