Low Signal mode allows you to keep using the StaySafe app when you have poor connectivity to wifi or mobile data.
Low signal mode utilises the 2g network and text messages to keep the app functional when no other signal is available.
How does it work?
When Low Signal mode activates, every action in the app will populate a text message for you. when the message is sent, it will complete the action you have requested.
NOTE: iOS users will see the text pop on-screen and will have to select send to complete the action, Android users will automatically send the text message.
This feature is available in the following countries:
New Zealand
United Kingdom
United States
Automated StaySafe numbers based on the user location:
EU & UK +44 7723 583 500
US +1(202)929-1379
AU +61 483 905 654
Enabling Low Signal Mode on StaySafe Hub
This feature needs to be enabled by an admin. In the hub menu tab, go to the Features page < select 'Low Signal Mode'. Here, you can enable this for your users. To turn the feature on, select 'Is Enabled' in the Low Signal section of your features page.
What's Next?
Find out how to Archive a user Invite a User to StaySafe, How to Edit Users in StaySafe and What Roles are Available.