How to Archive a User

Archiving, deleting and un-archiving users in StaySafe.

Ross Barfield avatar
Written by Ross Barfield
Updated over a week ago

As an Admin, you can archive Users who no longer use the system. This will free up licences and allow you to invite new Users as needed. When you archive a User, they will remain within reports of the period they were active within the app.

NOTE: An Organisation Admin will be able to archive any user registered in your organisation, but a Team Admin will only archive a user within their Team.

A User's profile page is the user's home and where you can find all of their details. You can perform updates on their user information, change, add and remove roles and Delete or Archive a user.

Only Organisation or Team Administrators can access a user profile page. However, only an Organisation Admin can amend User Team roles.

You can find the user by going to the People tab in the left-hand sidebar. Depending on your user role, there are several other ways to find a user in our system.

NOTE: An Organisation Admin will be able to see all uses registered in your organisation, but a Team Admin will only see users within their team.

Archiving Users

If you want to remove a User from the Hub, click Archive Person on the right of their profile, type ARCHIVE into the text box and select Archive Person to confirm.

The Archive function is used when you need to remove a User, either permanently or temporarily, to free up a license.

Un-Archive Users

Once you Archive a User, they are removed from your Hub, freeing up a license. However, if that User returns to work, you can email, and we will be able to reactivate their account so the User can continue to use their history as before.

Deleting Users

Only Users who have not activated their accounts can be deleted.

You can delete a User if they leave before activating their account. To do so, select Delete Person and then type DELETE into the text box and click Delete Person to confirm.

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