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Creating a Usage Report

How to generate, download, and use a Usage Report.

Kevin Frimpong avatar
Written by Kevin Frimpong
Updated over 9 months ago

As part of the Insights provided by StaySafe, you can access several reports that will allow you to see detailed information on the usage of the app and past sessions. You can find these by scrolling to the bottom of your Insights Dashboard and selecting the appropriate report.

Depending on your user role, you can access Insights for your whole organisation, or a specific team.

The Usage Report gives you detailed information on the number of sessions and alarms during a given period, and is downloadable as a CSV file.

Within this report, you can see:

  • Active vs Inactive Users

  • Alert Count

  • Session Count by User

  • Alert Count by User

Running the Report

By default, the report will show the preceding month. However, this is fully customisable. You can do so by selecting the date range on the top-left hand corner of the screen.

This will trigger a dropdown menu where you can choose a pre-defined period, such as the 'last seven days, 'this month', or you can customise the dates to work for you. Once you have changed the range, select 'Run Report' to refresh the fields.

You can download each section of the report by clicking on 'Export CSV' to the right of the section heading.

Report sections

The report is broken down into four separate sections.

Active vs Inactive Users

This section shows the count and percentage of app users who are active or inactive.

In this report, an active user is defined as any user who has either run a session or triggered an alert during the report's period. An inactive user is defined as having not run a session, or triggered an alert.

This indicates the overall usage of the app by either your organisation or team.

Alert Count

This section breaks down the alerts triggered during the reporting period by the different types of alerts. So you will be able to see how many of each alert has been activated.

This report will help you understand the situations your users are in when they are triggering alerts, and identify areas of concern.

Session Count by User

This section shows each user, their reporting team, and the number of sessions they have run in the defined period.

This count can help you track if your users use the app consistently when working alone. To check this, you can compare the number of times they have been Lone Working with the number of sessions run in the app.

Alert Count by User

This section breaks down how your Lone Workers are using the app. This chart shows all the alerts triggered, broken down by users, session beginnings, session endings, and check-ins.

You can use this to identify if specific users are triggering many alerts and investigate accordingly.

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