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How to Set up Reminders

Creating and editing reminders in the app.

Written by Kevin Sanderson-Frimpong
Updated over 2 years ago

Reminders allow the StaySafe app to notify you when you arrive or leave an area. You don’t need to be running an active session to use these, they can be used as a reminder to start or stop a session (e.g. when arriving or leaving home).

Any reminder must be configured by you directly in the app. They are completely private and not visible to your organisation, or anyone other than yourself. The reminders are saved locally on your device, so if you use more than one device, you need to set them up on each one.

Getting Set up

Go to Settings

Select the section named 'Settings' with a gear in the centre of your app's homepage.

Go to Reminders

Once on your Settings page, select Reminders

Select Add Reminder

Tap on the Add Reminder button to begin the set-up

Enter Location

Then, enter the location where you wish to be reminded when you leave or enter, by entering the address in the search bar.

Chose your Area

You will have the option to chose how large an area you want to be included in the reminder.

The options are:

Small: approx. 200 meters, useful if you are leaving home or arriving at the office

Medium: approx. 1 km, useful if you are entering an area of working such as a neighbourhood or across a few streets.

Large: approx. 5 km, for when you enter a town or city

Create the Reminder

You can decide if you wish to be notified when you arrive in the area, when you leave, or both. You will also be asked to name the reminder.

NOTE: usually the app only accesses your location when you are in a session, but if you set up notifications, we need to be able to access your location at any time. Once you have set up the notification, if you will prompt you to change your location permission. Please change it to ‘Allow all the time’ on android devices, or ‘Always’ on iOS devices.

Editing Reminders

Once setup, you can edit a reminder by tapping on it. You can edit the reminder location, size of the area, its name and when you want to be notified. You can also delete it.

You can have up to 10 active reminders setup on any device, and can edit or delete them at any time. There is no limit to how many inactive reminders you can have ready.

To deactivate a reminder, just tap the toggle to the left of the reminder, it will remain on your device but won't send you a notification until you turn it back on.

To permanently delete a reminder, you can swipe left on the reminder and select delete.

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